
Rogue Fighter

How to Multiclass in D&D 5e: Basic Guide

For new players, choosing a single class for a character is a great introduction to the game. However, once you’ve found your favorite class, repeated playing that can get stale. Not only does multiclassing provide variety, but adding a few levels…

Tavern Art

How to Get Your Players to Role Play in D&D 5e

In our experiences as DM’s, Flutes and I have developed a list of tips to help you encourage your players to start role playing, or to role play on a more fulfilling level…

Swords Guide

D&D Sword Guide: Tactics, Histories, and Properties of Common Swords

In Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition, using weapons can be as simple as you wish. A table on pg. 146 of the Player’s Handbook will show you all of the necessary information: damage, weight, cost, et cetera. But what if you had some extra knowledge about your weapon that could add flair and utility? Travelling …

D&D Sword Guide: Tactics, Histories, and Properties of Common Swords Read More »

druid among rocks

Favorite Underutilized Druid Spells: Levels 7 through 9

In the previous two parts, we’ve looked at Druid spells that give advantage to your team’s attack, protect your team from assailants, and even a spell that brings a character back from the dead. In this final section, we’ll look at…

Mechanical Traps That Make Sense for D&D 5e

Not all dungeon crawls are created equally. There are three things that make a good dungeon run: storyline advancement, worthy reward for risk, and fairness of traps and encounters.

Druid Spells

Favorite Underutilized Druid Spells: Levels 1 through 3

As a player, throwing that death-dealing Flame Arrow that pierces the Lich King’s soul is all that we aspire to do in Dungeons and Dragons, right? There’s no better feeling than being the hero of heroes…

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